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A key feature of The Placement Circle is its peer support model expressed through a membership base.


We believe that success is more likely when there is a sense of belonging, feeling valued and a sense of a shared lived experience. 


To this end, we offer membership of The Placement Circle to people and organisations who believe in empowering women to be their very best. 

Female Doctor


What you'll receive:

  • Connection with other women who have a lived experience of transitioning trough education, training and then onto employment from a base of disadvantage;​

  • Mentoring and support;​

  • Events;

  • ​Newsletters;

  • ​Networking and spotting opportunities;

  • ​Career counselling and guidance;

  • ​Hub and Spoke referral model liking members to a range of government and non-government support services;

  • ​Expectation that those women who have graduated through The Placement Circle experience will hold out their hand to the next women coming through and help her however they can.

Office Building


What you'll receive:

  • Access to a talent pool of qualified and qualifying women who have demonstrated reliability, resilience, tenacity and a willingness to work;

  • ​Access to Corporate Social Responsibility opportunities that enhance your brand and connect your organisation to the financial decision makers in families;

  • ​Opportunity to showcase your commitment as an employer of choice who is:

  • OHS compliant;

  • Culturally appropriate;

  • Remuneratively responsible;

  • Joint advocacy effort to government and industry about matters pertaining to women’s empowerment and financial autonomy through education, employment and belonging to a community of peer supported women with a shared lived experience.

Political Conference


What you'll receive:

  • We're looking forward to our friends in government playing a great and valuable role in these exciting new ventures. â€‹

  • We like to ensure our offerings are developed in conjunction with the benefiting parties so if this government category is of interest to you or to those you know, be sure to get in touch!

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